Bear’s Story


Bear was my 5th Special Forces working dog from roughly 2008-2011. He and I did four deployments to Iraq together supporting the ODA’s and Troops we were a part of. Bear was a true Green Beret in that he lived the motto “De Oppresso Liber” (to free the oppressed). Bear could take down a bad guy, then be loving to a kid on the target.

Our charity is a way to honor his legacy and give back to the Veteran community that I am a part of. After Bear passed away from old age (retired to myself) I felt an emptiness in my life without him. I had no idea how much a Service dog had affected my life and the others lives around me. Thankfully for me he his story lives on in his legacy and his daughter Barin who is now retired with us and Kuma our Service Dog for the Rescue.