Healing Road

Healing Road is a compelling character study of one veteran's journey towards healing, and the community it takes to get there.

In 2017, according to the U.S. Census Bureau there were more than 18 million veterans in the United States,1.3 million active military men and women, 800,000 reserve forces, and two million full-time government employees. These men and women have made it home, but their road to recovery is paved with hard trials. Veteran suicide rates are staggering. Mental illness plagues not only veterans, but a reported 46.6 million Americans.

In today’s world, a sense of belonging and validation is invaluable as veterans struggle with the daily pressures of readjusting to a society that they no longer feel they fit. This documentary is for them. To reassure them that their journey to recovery is not impossible, and not one they have to make alone.

Healing Road is a ray of hope in a world further and further divided by politics and toxic ideologies, a light of unification for those that struggle with these issues and those that know people who do. Through the journey of Travis Hall, his own personal story inspires strength and growth. He is a role model to all that feel listless, feel disconnected, feel unloved, of any race, gender, or political affiliation.

The Healing Road is being co-sponsored by 2nd Chance K9 501c3 and produced by award winning Evolve Studios.