
Name: chase

Age: 4

Weight: 60

service dog program status: on a 5 year plan

Breed: Dutch shepherd

chase had a rough start as a puppy and has lots of issues to work through, he is the goofiest dog you’ll ever meet, has the ability to make everyone love him automatically

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We found Chase on a Facebook group for Dutch Shepherds. Chase couldn’t get along with his housemate and needed a new home that provided him with a direction and something to keep his mind off wanting to dominate and fight other dogs. Chase is well, Special. He does great one day and forgets he’s supposed to be training to be a service dog the next. Chase has many nick names, Mr. Jazz Paws, Ten Second Chase, and so many more. We have made a commitment to help Chase on his Journey to become a Service Dog even if it takes 5 years. Chase is at my side 100% of the time right up until someone new walks up then he is between my legs. We are working on him though, Rome wasn’t built in a day.